Haha that looks awesome man, get him to do one for me. :P
Hey fuckers. Eat My Metal.
Joined on 9/14/05
Haha that looks awesome man, get him to do one for me. :P
Thanks dude. I'm sure if you give him a PM he would make one for you, dude
Thanks man. I intend to!
eh? In my view it doesn't even approve Bad-Man quality! >:(
WTF is this anyways? A sword???
You are gonna be a grouchy ass old man. Thats what I know.
You don't RULE 10 enough anymore. Am I gonna have to drive my ass all the way to that German place where you live, and force feed you RULE 10???huh ??
Yeah, I think its a sword dude. All the better to chop shit up with.
Pretty sweet design! Looks like a mixture of a cross/sword.
My ass crack is filled with pooey lint.
your realy cool!
yes, yes I am. Thank you for noticing, dude.
you're avatoar sucks, its like a dying cross.
You're a spamming douche. Fuck off twat. Also, learn to spell, you retarded jackass.
Praise JeSuS1!11jdfkgndfjn
...and, when you FINALLY get out of grade 7...Come see me. Perhaps we can have some words, you little bitch.
uh.. hey.. do you think you couls hook me up with a tab to punch fucked cause thatd be dope. that song makes me wanna break something!
I could give it a try. I don't tab out anything I do. I'll have to re learn the song to figure it out. If you got a good ear, I'm pretty sure I used drop b tuning. Now that I listen to it, pretty simple. I should remake it. :D If I do, I'll try to get the tab going as well, and send it your way.
In the mean time...glad you like it, and BREAK SHIT UP!\m/
I <3 the Billy Bean theme song.
thanks man.
Show your e-penis size! NOW! >;D
<a href="http://rig.newgrounds.com/news/post/47586">http://rig.newgrounds.com/news/post/4 7586</a>
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnn nnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrr!!1
Hehehehe... Holy shit. I thought DoomBeast was gone. I guess I was wrong. He's a fucking asshole. He's worse than Phil Collins after he went solo. Props for the verbal pwning.
By the way, that is most definately an axe. Probably a variation of the Dual Haken type.
Keep it awesome.
Bah its all in "unreality" right?
Haha, thanks for the support.
Heyyyyy... You know, you signed up on newgrounds on my birthday!!! Sweet.
Well happy bloody birthday on that day, dude! I'll try not to forget:P
I remember what it used to be about, heh. I can't be fooled! ;)
All comments I get (aaand all my replies) are retarded from before, so it doesn't matter for me. Which is why I've changed it 2945877 times.
wow, thats a few times for sure. :D
dude you have awesome music
Thanks for listening, dude!