So, I've enlisted the help of a flash artist to help...well finish my hopefully he'll be able to work on it.
Anyways, even if it doesn't make halloween...I hope you will enjoy it. I'll post a news thing when done. I hope we can get the same support for that as, for my music.
Billy-Bean Is the flash dude. Thanks a hell of a lot, man!!GOod luck!
Haha, it's all good man.
WOO, BOOBS...are there gonna be boobies in it? huh? huh?...naw..haha...I'd make some flash boobies that have directional movement based on the angle that you are humping the woman ... It would be a multiple choice type choose "missionary" on the edge of the bed...then with your mouse control the rhythm to see if you can get them to circle in opposite directions. hahaha. Oh well, I'll never make it...but ...theres an idea.