I shit you not. While doing our horror film festival we made a lot of connections. One so connection suggested that he'd like to use my music in one of his films. I guessed a song or two etc...I wasn't wrong.
He asked if I would write a "Lounge" style song for a scene. Yeah, piano and vocals. For a chick to sing. How the FUCK was I supposed to do that?? Metalhead. Lounge song!? But I did. He liked it, so much in fact, he asked if I would be interested in scoring his entire movie. I know what this means. I possess the tools, but again, this stretches me so far out of my comfort zone, it is insane.
I don't really see me as a "film score" type of guy. Especially when I consider this site to possess some of the most talented people I've ever heard, in that style of music! I look up to so many of you. AND now I am doing everything that I can to expose you fuckers in this field. Here's how:
My radio show starts up again in a week or so, and with that, I'll again be exposing newgrounders' to the airwaves. Pimping your shit to anyone that will listen. (Our show reaches approximately 20000 people per episode, including our new "connections" in the "B" movie industry)
In previous seasons I've played a lot of metal from Newgrounds. Plus a few other genres. Rock, hip hop, dubstep..etc. After our season opener, I'm going to try to shift my focus as much as I can, to ambient, cinematic styled music whenever I can.
So put your name on this post if you want your tunes heard on my show.
As for the film I'll be scoring, I can't divulge too much detail yet, as my contract hasn't quite been locked in. (Waiting for SOCAN) But I can tell you, that a pretty well known actor is locked in, (some 200 movies). So if this is my shot, then I'm taking it. AND I'll be trying to drag out some of you motherfuckers in this process. haha.
Cheers Newgrounds for being so awesome and providing me with the strength to get to where I am today.
Good luck!
Thanks! \m/