Nice dark ambient feel. Really liked it. Would be cool to hear it with vocals!
Nice dark ambient feel. Really liked it. Would be cool to hear it with vocals!
Sweet Rust Chamber is working on lyrics to add in.
yeah man,
Nice Stuff!
Hey, that was pretty cool. Not too heavy, but still good stuff!!
Really liked this! Very smooth, and very mellow. Awesome for sure!!!
You are right....
...It was a darn good solo. Pretty cool shit man!
Pretty cool
Good little solo. Sounds a little out of tune, but good none the less! Do you have budgies, or parrots? LOL They seem to like it too...heheh
Keep it up man
Yeah..well usually when I record I use a metrenome so some parts on the timing are messed up, and the deal about the parrots..there parakeets, right behind me. They're really annoying.
that was really cool. You should look into direct recording too...its really good though! You can download lots of different mixing programs too. I use Cool Edit Pro for track mixing and effects. Good stuff again!
Yeah, I've got cooleditpro2.1. I'm getting some direct recording equipment in 2 days.
There were some great riffs and licks! Awesome man, you can download beatcraft from acoustica.com for drums, also Fruity loops provides decent drums. Overall good shit dude.
That was great!
Hey fuckers. Eat My Metal.
Joined on 9/14/05