
1,956 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Nice version

I really liked the harmonies. Sounded sweet. Then with the pintching. Nice.
Nicely done, man. I still need to get you some samples.
One day.
It doesn't even matter. This was still great man.\m/

KitsuMech responds:

Haha, yeah. I'm gonna say theres no rush on that, just email me whenever you want to give me the stuff.

<.< >.>.

Thanks for the awesomeness. "Bro"


Well, Unless a review or two gets deleted...you are my 1500 Review!. Did that on purpose too. haha.
Whats this...someone giving you eq advice? hahaha. Didn't sound trebly on my 5.1. Sounded nice. But...when I have a big sub kickin...any more bass would be shitty. haha. Anyways man.
You already know what I think of this.

DarKsidE555 responds:

Congrats on that then! I still need to get my 1000 full. >: /

Yeah, it's never too late to learn something new and in points of bassing...I'm a total no0b. Though...I'm getting there...hopefully. ;D

Thanks for the review my good man! See ya soon! :D

Nice man.

Sounds pretty cool to me. No real complaints. Nice job. Your vocals or whispers or whatever that was?

5/5 10/10.

Bazezone responds:

thanks man, it's a vocal with FX ;)


Not really Children of Bodom. At all. I'm assuming that is who you meant.
Maybe I could pick out a melody that sounded similar to a melody of theirs, in the song "In Your Face"...but dude. I don't know. I don't like Fruity Loop "metal" songs. So I'll mark you on composition. Must have taken a while. But, why is the quality so low? If its FL...
I don't even like to give negative reviews, but you can't compare this to Children of Bodom. I'm sorry.

Vengeance responds:

It wasn't done in fruity loops, it was done in guitar pro 5, which hasn't really got a good way of exporting for mp3. I recorded the input to my soundcard, which, for some reason doesn't give me a very good quality.
The composition is very similar to children of bodom if you look at it in detail. The main difference is the fact that the keyboard is more lead than the guitar.

Yeah man.

Great tune. I liked it for 4 chords. ha.
The mixing was odd. Guitars and vocals were mixed at almost the same panning.
Well on headphones anyways. Sounded great on the 5.1 though. haha.

Cool man. Another 5 for you.

Gunshy responds:

thanx! yeah, same panning. weird sound, i agree. i love it.


Was a good remix...although, I don't really like this type of music. But...that being said, you did a good job on all the instruments, there is no clipping, etc etc...
You said in a review response that you couldn't compete with the original author of this song...
I've heard the original...and really...all it is...is a catchy melody, all "dressed" up.
It seems you have the equipment and knowledge to use it properly...I think you could make something as good, if not better...on your own.

Good luck. Oh, and ...5/5 and 10/10

Kelemanga responds:

Thanks for the honest review. I'm trying very hard to create new music that sounds original and great, but that'll take years, however I shall still try so I can bring better and better music to Newgrounds. My only problem is that I can't actually create good melodies yet, that's why I often use somebody elses and make a song out of it.
Thanks for the 5, since I know that alot of Newgrounds users simply 0 the tune if it's not their sort of music. And a 0 is very easy to put for a piece of music, regardless of the effort.


Another cool song. I even heard an "organ" in there. Very Chillipepperish. cool man another 5 for you.

Smirne responds:

thank you!
and good luck for you 500 reviews ;)

It does..

It does sound like Greenday's "when I come around". Even have that "nasaly" sound on the vocals. But thats cool, I guess its just the genre style? haha. I don't know. I don't really listen to this type of music...but I'm aiming for 1500 reviews today. haha.
All and all this was well done all around. So 10/10 and 5/5.

Nice man.
Current Score

4.37 / 5.00 (+ 0.014)

Smirne responds:

Yes, I think it's mainly the guitar and genre style.. and maybe the first two chords..


I just went through a bunch of crap from the AP. Litterally, crap. Stuff, that sounds like this...but by accident...and with much clipping...and off time, and just plain, stupid.

It was nice to come across professionalism, skill, talent, and...dare I call this NON metal piece "musak to mine EARS"? Hell yeah. Nice work man. Dug it. 5ed it.

Current Score

4.77 / 5.00 (+ 0.070)

LJCoffee responds:

Yeah, Metal is very cool but I just can't produce any decent stuff. The closest thing (and not a very good job either) that I've done was the JFGI swf that was really only meant as a joke - see it here: http://www.bigfatsecret.com/jfgi.swf

As far as crap goes - that's what the AP is good for!

Thanks for the vote!

Hey fuckers. Eat My Metal.




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