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Everytime I listen to your stuff, it just gets exponentially better. haha. Awesome as thrash as fuck!! Fucking love it, brother.
Mad man leads, rich melodies, insane work mang.

Metallica1136 responds:

I'm glad to hear that man! Glad you dig it, thanks for listening! Fucking thrash \m/

Oooh....one of my favorite topics!! And one of my favorite musicians haha!! This is great stuff, schleify! Your vocals are so rad!

Schleif responds:

awyee! i was really surprised to see that the title Area 51 wasn't taken. haha. thanks bad! you fucking slay \m/

Dig the direction! Very fucking heavy. I like it a lot. The vocals are a sharp in relation to the music, but I'm certain this will improve as you guys do more stuff. This was pretty fucking rad.

Asharath responds:

Thx man really appreciate it, yeah been a long time since i did any real vocal, but feels good doing so again

I really like the ghostly piano in this. Sounds very cool. Harp, wow..haha. I just acquired a shit pile of symphonic instruments, so I might give something like this a go. :) haha.
Always inspiring me, you bastard. :)

DanJohansen responds:

Haha thanks bro, you making a symphonic styled track would be very cool and interesting to hear for sure man! And yeah lol, I'm a big fan of the harp, maybe banjo is next lmao XD I have no restrictions when it comes to instrumention, I thank video games for that door being opened. In the past when I was just starting to learn guitar I was like METAL ONLY!! Then I played 100's of games and now I can see something awesome with pretty much every instrument.

This is pretty sick, I DEFINITELY got hit this one up too!! Sorry about your frustrations! I just gotta get my tinnitus worked out and then I can get back to work! Cheers, mang!

Metallica1136 responds:

Yeah man! This one definitely sounds fit for your vocals! How's Limitless coming?

And thanks man, it's alright. A couple of people I know have really been upsetting me lately, but I'm feeling better now, kinda. Ah, Tinnitus sucks. My ears rang a bit after seeing a local show a couple of days ago.

Thanks for checking it out man! :)

Who the hell are you, that you just submit some ass kickery out of the blue!? Rad rad stuff, brother! This is screaming for vocals...very very much.

Dig it a lot, mang. I am teased. haha.

Metalized responds:

Haha, thx bro! It's been quite a while since I uploaded some new stuff here, but I'm still doing more music than evaaaah! Cheers and keep your ears up for more teasers!

I always need you. Can you do me a favor? In future songs, to cater to my tinnitus, can you "notch" your songs to remove all frequencies 14000 hz and above?? haha.

Whatever man, I dug this a lot. Memorable melodies, driving beat, great mix and killer. KILLER.

Metaljonus responds:

lol yeah i can try that for sure! :P Thanks for listening dude!

Can help if interested.

akoRn responds:

PM-ed you! :)

Very Cool mang. Reminded me of the music from Crackdown a bit..haha. Vocals were awesome and fit very well. Is there going to be more??haha.

Blade9000 responds:

Aha! sorry for the late response, but most definitely. Im working on a few projects, im just barely getting back into producing, so we'll see!!!

Thanks for the review

Musicality = Astounding.
Awesome, Dan. Really.

DanJohansen responds:

Appreciate it brother! Glad it was enjoyed :)

Hey fuckers. Eat My Metal.




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